I came to the beach this afternoon ~ just because. It wasn't in my to-do list for today at all. I haven't been in quite a while. In fact, this is the first time all summer that I've been to just sit and enjoy it.
I figured it wouldn't be crowded since local schools have started, many colleges have started, and it is a weekday afternoon. Quite frankly, there are more people here than I thought. Still not crowded by any stretch, but more nonetheless.
I shared a shady pavilion along the boardwalk with a couple of ladies. While not elderly, they were certainly of retirement age. One was wheelchair bound. There was no conversation to speak of. Only the obligatory, "May I sit here?", "Are you from here?", and "So long, have a nice day." But as I observed them, along with the dozens or so others walking past or sitting on the sun-splashed sand, I wondered lots of things.
What are you thinking? How do you know the person(s) you are with? Do you live here or are you vacationing? If you're vacationing, thanks for coming and where are you from?
There are people of varying ages, shapes, and sizes here today. Obviously more older than younger because of locals and school, but I have seen a few students here with adults ~ most likely the vacationing type.
I'm also sitting where I can see the lifeguard. He's keeping a close eye on the ones on the beach. He's likely keeping a closer eye on those in the water. I would imagine he's even got a general idea about those like me on the boardwalk behind him. He also knows the conditions of the waters. He has flags flying to communicate those conditions to us.
Just a few hundred miles out from where I'm facing is a storm. To look at the beach now, you can't tell it. There's no clouds. There's virtually no wind. The surf is not threatening in the least. But the storm is there. The weather radar tells us its there.
My hunch is the lifeguard is aware of Isaac the storm, too. Although it isn't threatening his beach today, he's already thinking and preparing for what direction it may go and how it will affect our beaches and shoreline.
The lifeguard is very much like your pastor. He's got a general feel for those in his care. He's responsible for their spiritual safety and well-being. He's got his ear to the ground on the general topics facing us in life today and is preparing himself constantly to protect his people.
There are all types of people in your church. There are different demographics, different lifestyles and personalities. There are different hobbies and habits. Have you prayed for your pastor today as he prepares to meet those (including YOUR) needs?
Think about that and breathe a prayer for him right now. After I pray, I'm going to strike up another conversation. A sweet-looking couple who appear to be in their 80s just joined me under the shaded pavilion. She, with her walker; he is her helper. I wonder what their story could be.