I reported to work at 11 PM New Year's Eve to work my 8 hour shift. Early on, I had the television on ESPN and listened to the Chick Fil A Bowl's post-game report from the LSU Tigers epic collapse to give Clemson a last second victory.
Just before midnight local time, I changed the TV station to Fox News to watch the ball drop in New York City. The 1,000,000+ partiers in the streets celebrated the arrival of 2013. Since it was a news organization 'reporting' the New Year's arrival, they would cut away to their bureau in Washington, D.C. to report on the F.C. They didn't want to use the term, 'Fiscal Cliff', and at one point during their production, made the statement as if they were going to ask the crowd below if they wanted to by-pass the reporting of the news for the one night. Obviously (unaware of the commentary) as the cameras panned the crowd, they were cheering wildly, as if to agree whole-heartedly with the suggestion to leave it alone for a night.
As I then listened to the report about the Senate's passage of the emergency bill regarding the budget, I thought it would be nice to escape the news for one night. Escape sounded like a perfectly viable option.
The fact is, if congress had done their job all along, they could have been home where they really wanted to be anyway. They chose to vacation first, requiring them to work later. Funny, when I was growing up, we were taught that we could play after our chores / work was done.
I don't write much about politics here at Faison Focus for a reason. It typically can rarely be positive, and so many people have opinions that seem to be almost bi-polar when it comes to politics. So, suffice it to say, I wish the media would leave it alone for a little bit. Let Americans enjoy a little peace and quiet ~~ well, except for the football games.
Happy New Year ~ may this be a year that we put perspective in our lives and our Nation once again.