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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Would You Point Someone to Jesus Today?

Wow, what a week! Citizens of these United States have been rocked to the core as we watched the news events unfold before our very eyes. Our Nation was glued to the events in Boston this past Monday as scores of people were injured and three lost their lives in the Marathon Bombing. Just two days later, hundreds were injured and several were killed in an accidental explosion at a fertilizer plant in West, TX. The response in these two scenarios by law enforcement and rescue personnel have been unparalleled.

Then, we were again captivated by the stories in Watertown, MA as the manhunt for the bombers escalated on national television. We were saddened again at the senseless loss of life, but grateful that it was no worse. Understand, it COULD HAVE been MUCH worse!

From a personal standpoint, there have been events this past week or so that have caused me to reflect. I have had to do some personal soul searching and ask myself some pretty serious questions. Some of the answers did not satisfy me at all. I have family and friends who are hurting. The pain is in varying forms. Some are hurting emotionally while others are ill physically. Through some, I've seen evidence that God answers prayer. Through others, I'm having to learn the difficult lesson of perseverence. There are some I can share with others, some I have to keep to myself. But through all the struggles, I must maintain a faith in the Almighty God who sustains us.

Two personal friends of mine had surgery this past week in the same hospital in Nashville, TN. Both were relatively serious surgeries. Don had already experienced the surgical knife and was trying to recover. Due to some setbacks, he had to have more surgery this past week. He's still in the hospital. His wife and family are exhausted. My heart aches for them.

Pam had surgery last Monday. She had a large tumor removed. All indications were it was malignant. As they waited, and we all prayed, the pathology report came back. As I spoke to Pam's husband, Ron on the phone last night, he relayed how that in their mind they were thinking the best case scenario would be the cancer contained to that tumor. They were thinking that if it was contained there, some precautionary chemotherapy could wipe out that ugly disease. When the report came back, there is belief that the tumor may not be malignant at all! What do you do when the news is better than the best case scenario? The only thing I know to do is praise the Great Physician! They are still doing some further tests to confirm their prognosis, but we are continuing to pray God's mighty healing hand has shown Himself true!

My youngest daughter helped me put things in perspective via her Facebook page. A college freshman, she and a friend were in a grocery store and struck up a conversation with a lady who "was obviously stressed out." They learned the lady was en route to the wake of an aunt, and although not very close to the relative, was actually present in the room when the lady passed. This lady my daughter was speaking with had her own health issues that were complicating the stress levels and so these two college students paused with her to pray. This is the last statement in my daughter's Facebook page, "And most people would say that we were blessing her with those prayers, but hearing her call us angels in her need, and thanking us for something that ought to be an automatic response was a blessing to me."

The Nelons are one of my favorite singing groups. They recently recorded a song titled, Excuse Me, Are You Jesus. They also have an incredible concept video of the song. Click the link below and allow it to challenge you. People all around you are hurting. I pray you will commit yourself to point these needy people to experience the healing and the help of Jesus!