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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Do You Remember Being Two?

I recently heard a new song. It wasn't just any ordinary song, either. I'm not sure if it has ever been recorded or even written on staff paper or a lead sheet. The song, by and large, is just a cute comedy song ~ that's exactly what it is intended to be. It's author performed it live in my presence, and I laughed. I genuinely laughed.

Beyond the laughter though, I began to think and assess its words. Leave it to a preacher to do that, right? The song simply answered questions about our younger years. Much younger. What's the title of this song? (Thought you'd never ask!) It's Just What You Do When You're Two. What did you think about when you were two? What was your logic at the ripe old age of two? We've heard of those Terrible Two's; the author mentioned an interesting thought as he prepared to entertain us. For those new parents who have yet to experience a three year old child, this is what you have to look forward to: A three year old is merely a two year old with experience! Doesn't that sound encouraging?

Josh Taylor, the author of the song, wrote this about his experiences as a dad of a two year old. Incidentally, the lad is a cute three year old now. He was able to capture and put to music some questions all parents ask themselves from time to time. Incidentally, after you read my blog, feel free to click on the link and visit his site. He's pretty insightful, and insanely funny. Being around him for a few hours, I'm pretty sure he has a serious side to him that could help a person understand the importance of living a solid Christian life. He is indeed an impressive young man.

Now, back to the assessment; the Apostle Paul, in the New Testament, wrote that when we are young, we act young. Sounds profound, eh? Seriously, when we were a child, we spoke as a child, we acted as a child, etc. But when we became a man (or woman, as the case may be), we put away the childish things. Later in the New Testament, the writer of Hebrews (we really don't know for sure who that is) compares a young Christian to a little baby. He says that as young Christians desire the pure milk of the Word, when we grow, we should desire the meat of the Word. We should be constantly growing. We should not be satisfied with the status quo. We should not want to stay merely a child in our faith.

For the more seasoned believer, take some time to think back to your early Christian life. What are some ways you have grown in your faith? For the new believer, stay in the milk and continue to grow daily. For the unbeliever who may be reading this, are you skeptical of all this Christianity stuff? Are you just not sure it is for you? Let me hear from you. I would love to exchange communication with you about where you stand in a relationship with Christ.

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