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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Sea, A Storm, and a Savior

The church I attend is having revival services this week. Doug Little (songwriter, preacher, friend) is the guest speaker. On Monday night, Doug shared with us from Matthew 14 ~ when Jesus walked on the water and encouraged Peter to do the same. We've heard many sermons from that text; many of them having to do with Peter being willing to get out of the boat. I've preached some like that myself.

But Doug caused me / us to think of a totally different perspective. Jesus had just finished feeding the 5,000 and he sent his disciples out in the boat to sea. Jesus went up on the mountain to a secluded spot to pray. A storm began to rage on the sea, to the point these professional fishermen were afraid. Yet Jesus was praying on the mountain. In all likelihood, Jesus saw exactly what the disciples encountered while they were in the boat. Do you think He might have been praying for them?

At just the right time, Jesus went to the disciples ~ walking on the water. He didn't go too soon because they might not have fully realized the complete need for Him. He didn't wait too late, or they might have perished in the sea. He was exactly on time! Are you trusting Him to deliver you from your struggles, at just the right time?

When the disciples saw Him, they initially thought He was a ghost. They were afraid of the storm, and as if that weren't enough, now they have a ghost walking toward them! He quickly calmed them with His words of comfort, "Peace to you!" Will you listen to the comforting words of Jesus to you today? He longs to help you overcome your fears.

As Jesus got on the boat, the storm ceased. The disciples recognized the fact that it was Jesus' presence that calmed their worst nightmare. Their response? They worshipped Him! Jesus is worthy of our worship. He is praying for us, protects us, and His presence calms the storms in our lives. Be encouraged by the work of God. Praise Him for His comfort today. Worship Him for His presence in your life.

If you have never experienced His peace in your life, I'd be happy to share with you through any means available how you, too, can know and experience Him.


  1. One of my favorites!

    And you DO have to send Doug back to TDF! Just FYI...


  2. Doug has really done an outstanding job this week. I'll try to post a similar blog in the next day or three about another of the services we had.
