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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Is It Really Worth It All?

I've never seen him cleaned up. I've never seen what the top of his head looks like because he always has on a cap. His beard is always scruffy, and never trimmed. His clothes, quite honestly, are rarely neat. Most of the jeans he wears are what we once called, high-waters. I even saw men who looked neater who lived at the Union Rescue Mission where I worked while living in Tennessee.

Most every morning, this newspaper delivery man comes into the hotel where I work for a cup of coffee. Normally, I expect to see him about 4:15-4:30, but on this particular morning, he was running late. I mean, REALLY late! In fact, I thought I had missed him since it was already after 5:00. But, here he came.

We've had a few conversations about the 'stuff' of life. We've had passing conversations about politics as I've tuned the TV to Fox News. We've talked about vehicles while he showed me his beat-up pick up truck. There have been at least one in-depth conversation about spiritual matters. That one was around Easter, and I prayed the seed that was planted would be used to bear fruit.

But this morning, he was running too late for much beyond a passing hello. He did, however, make one statement as he left the hotel lobby. After noting the time, he muttered, "Some days I wonder if it's worth it."

He didn't take the time to expound on his troubles of the day. He didn't belabor the point he had made. In fact, I had to strain to hear it.

It was a comment I wish could have started one of our conversations. I really wish he hadn't been running so far behind today. I would have gladly shared the lyrics of a song Bill and Gloria Gaither wrote back in the mid-60's.

Because He Lives, I can face tomorrow
Because He Lives, all fear is gone
Because I KNOW, He holds the future
And life is worth the living,
Just Because He Lives!

I sing that song a lot. The quartet I sing with ends all our concerts with it. As we sing that song, what a joy it is to see the expression on the faces of those in the congregations. There is a sense of relief at being reminded that God still has things in control. God hasn't forsaken us; He hasn't abandoned us. God still loves us and He proved that love when He died, and ROSE from the grave!

Life can sometimes throw a nasty curve that surprises us. But it has NEVER surprised God! There may be a pothole in the middle of what you thought were your well-laid plans, but by God's help, you can navigate through it or even dodge around it. The key is found in maintaining our faith in the God who is never surprised. The object is to make sure our plans are founded in the Father who is able to guide us through life's potential potholes.

Be encouraged to stand firm in your faith in Him. Allow Him to lead you in His best plans for your life. Then, you can say with complete certainty, "Yes, life is worth it!"

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