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Monday, April 23, 2012

It's Freezing in Here!

While eating lunch with Trust Quartet yesterday, we commented on how we enjoyed people-watching. The restaurant was full of folks in their best "Sunday-Go-To-Meetin'" clothes. Of course, there were people who were dressed in clothes that probably should have required some serious mirror attention before going out in public, too. But today is a different day. I'm watching people in my favorite McDonald's. A great deal of my people watching today also involves the temperature. It's a very nice day outside in Vero Beach today. It's not too hot; not too cold. It's just a gorgeous spring day! Frankly, I'm dressed weather-appropriate. In this McDonald's today, I'm seeing people in their work clothes, as is manual labor men coming in for a bit of a break. I'm close to a high school where students are allowed to come over on a break from classes. Attire ~ for high school students? 'Nuff said! The reason people watching in this restaurant in the Spring of the year has turned to a fashion show simply has to do with the restaurant temperature. It's FREEZING in here! The two hottest (no pun intended) tables in the place are the two that sit in the sunshine. I thought about that as I came in to find my seat, but alas, they were already full. They've each been turned once since I sat and ate my biscuit and hash brown. There was a retired couple who purposely sat there. I heard the husband say to his wife, "The air is way too cold over there." She sat, gratefully, in the sunshine and put on her sunglasses. Ahh, one of the tables has emptied and is already occupied since I began the last paragraph. See what I mean? This blog post really was not going to turn into a room temperature blog. It kind of evolved that way. People watching can be entertaining, and I was going to write about the retired couple and some of my observations. I guess that will wait for another blog. Meanwhile, I may speak with the manager and see if we can get some heat turned on in the restaurant lobby. Frank, it's freezing in here, dude!!

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