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Monday, June 23, 2014

Jesus: The Light of the World (Even YOUR World)

"I am the light of the world." Jesus made that claim during the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles. During that holiday, Jewish women would gather to sing psalms while a huge menorah was lit in the Temple. It was enough light to be seen for miles. Some scholars believe that Jesus was using that menorah as an object lesson to get across His point that He was the light of the world rather than the menorah. As brightly as it shown, He was brighter! In our spiritually darkened world, Jesus is still the light that can break through the darkness!

I'm constantly amazed at the culture in which we live still grasping for hope. The difficulties and distractions that surround us can bring discouragement. But the solution for the world's problems is still Jesus. That may sound over-spiritual and over-simplified. It may come across as trite and trivial. But it IS truth! We must be reminded that His ways are not always our ways. We are not expected to always understand, but we are expected to trust.

The light that Jesus brings, gives life. The life that He gives is abundant. The life He gives is eternal. Are you tired of living in the darkened world? Are you longing for the Truth that is Jesus? Feel free to comment and share how Jesus has proven Himself to you. If you're still looking for a relationship with Him, leave me a comment and a way of contacting you, and I'll be happy to share how Jesus can be your personal light and hope.

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