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Monday, June 6, 2011

Am I Doing All I Can?

I sang with Trust Quartet at a church yesterday in Indiantown, FL. Since I'm still the 'newbie' in the group, I'm in the process of making my first trips to churches that the group has already visited. Such was the case this week. The group had spoken highly of this church, and the pastor, so I was anxious to see it for myself. I'm not quite sure they spoke highly enough!

Before the worship service, we sat in on a Sunday school class taught by the pastor. I was getting my coffee when Pastor Bruce was catching us up on what the class has been involved in. Three words immediately brought interest: Purpose Driven Life. I've read Rick Warren's book and gone through the study a couple of times already. It really is good stuff. I was impressed with the interaction between this pastor and his people. It was informal, informative, and interesting.

We discussed how important it is to find a place of ministry and DO IT. The opportunities are there. God is equipping His servants to do His work. We need to exercise the willingness of being available to be used. It isn't easy work. It is sometimes thankless work. It can be tiring, but never boring!

The church facilities were beautiful. The church folks were friendly. On this particular Sunday, in addition to hosting Trust Quartet, they were featuring their youth ministry. A group of teens (with their leaders) provided a couple of musical numbers. These young people were so talented! The church is raising money to send these teens to a church camp next month. Sunday for lunch, there was bar-b-cue chicken on the grill with all the fixin's. Simple containers were on the tables for church folks to donate to help the cause. The students stood in a serving line and gave generous portions to us as we held our plates for them. The pastor told us as we were about to leave that they had received just over $2,000!

This church showed me something Sunday. They showed me they love their pastor. They showed me they love their students. They showed me they love their guests who worship with them and lead them in worship. They showed me they want to serve God in whatever opportunity is made available to them. Yes, I was impressed with the church.

Please understand, I've been in some pretty incredible churches. I've been privileged to pastor some as well as lead music and youth in some. I've been able to attend some incredible churches while growing up, and as I've traveled across the southeastern United States. Each one has a couple things in common. First, they are all made up of imperfect human beings. We must realize the humans are not the reason the church is incredible. Second, and most importantly, each of these incredible churches have the common desire to serve Christ in whatever opportunity they have. As you pray for your pastor, your fellow church members / attenders, and your community; do so with this in mind: there is no perfect church, and what can I do to serve God most effectively in this church and community?

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