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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Give It All You've Got!

Our church's men's group (called Master's Men) met Tuesday night. After discussing some projects we in which we want to get involved, I shared with them a principle from Paul's first letter to the Corinthian church. He wrote (15:58) that we should be steadfast, immovable, and that we should always want to be abounding in God's work. He said we should do this, "knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord."

How many times do we involve ourselves with projects and feel like we are doing no good? Or if we feel like some good is being accomplished, still feel as though it just isn't enough? How often do we not get involved because as we evaluate the good that could be done, we don't see enough value in it?

Be reminded our job is not to determine the value as much as being willing to do what God desires. Our purpose is to do whatever we are able to His honor and glory. When we do that, He will provide the blessing that He sees fit to provide. The little boy who gave his lunch (the five loaves and two small fish) to Jesus simply gave what he had. All of it! Jesus took what was given, blessed it, and proceeded to feed well over 5,000 people with it! And lest we forget, the little boy who gave ALL he had, did not go away hungry. He had plenty to eat himself.

If we will commit to give God ALL we have, He will make sure that our needs are met, and that His purpose will be accomplished, and His Kingdom will continue to be built.

Pray God will give you courage to use whatever you have to honor Him!

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