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Monday, May 9, 2011

Honest ~ It Was A Great Rehearsal

While singing in Clewiston, FL this weekend, I was reminded of an important lesson. It is foolish to rely on self to get a job done that requires God's involvement.

Arriving at the church on Saturday night for a sound check and rehearsal, things went smoothly. So smoothly, in fact, it was scary. There were two concerts on Sunday morning. The church had worship services at 8:30 and 11:00. Since it was an earlier than normal service time, it was admittedly more difficult to crawl out of the bunk and get ready. After all, the sound check and rehearsal had been so good! Entering the church auditorium about 15-20 minutes before service time, attendees were greeted and pleasantries were exchanged. The folks were so kind and received us well. Some special friends showed up for the concert, and we could sense it was going to be a good day. After all, the sound check and rehearsal had been so good!

As the service began, the host who was presiding at the service used our sound system rather than using the church's. I noticed the sound had a bit of a 'pinched' sound to it, but didn't get overly alarmed, because after all, the sound check and rehearsal had been so good! The host introduced us to sing, and as we took our places, it seemed as though everything went wrong. The monitors were not working properly. As we tried to make that adjustment, pulling one cable from our system caused one of the loudest, most ungodly screeches I have ever heard in sound system lore.

Trying several options, none of them working, one of the guys had a novel idea. Why don't we pray about this thing. Following prayer, almost instantaneouly, the problem was discovered and repaired. The rest of the concert went on as planned. The second service went without a glitch, too. It was actually a great day of service through song. Perhaps the two verses from Proverbs 3:5-6 that our quartet uses so often would be appropriate here. "TRUST in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." We have no need to lean on our own abilities. Those abilities will most likely fail. Learn to trust and lean on God's unfailing abilities!

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