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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Happy Birthday, Dad

Today is a day of remembrance for me. For the better part of the first 25 years of my life, May 24 was a day of celebration in our family. My dad would celebrate his birthday today. As I type this, I'm trying to think of some of the specific celebrations, and honestly, I can't remember any to share. Mom made lots of cakes, I'm sure. Most of them, at least in the later years, were probably known as "thin-layer chocolate cake". Those were his favorite.

If he were still living, he'd be 76 years young today. I say it that way, because I remember him as being a young man. After all, he was only 55 when melanoma cancer took over his body. He was still playing softball regularly until fairly late in his life. Dad enjoyed sports ~ he played golf, softball, and enjoyed fishing. He taught me to be a Braves fan long before the team started winning.

More importantly, dad was a man of integrity and godliness. Perfect? Far from it. Did he get on my nerves? Hey, he was my dad ~ of course, he did. But I'd gladly trade a few frayed nerves to be able to pick his brain again. I'd obviously look beyond some of the imperfections to be able to hear him preach again.

Dad taught me to have a love for music. He sang in his high school FFA quartet, sang in his college choir, and ministered through music in many facets of church ministry. Incidentally, I sang a couple years in my high school literary quartet and sang in the same college's choir when I attended there. I followed many of my dad's footsteps, but if I can be half the man of integrity and godliness he was, I'll be a great man.

Ken Faison (1935-1990), I miss you. I love you, and look forward to the day we'll be reunited in Heaven. Oh, and Happy Birthday, dad.

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